Our photo of the month.
You just can’t take your eyes of it. #Hess #Hessmontagen #machinerymoving #machinerelocation #machineinstallation #heavytransport #heavylift #projectcargo #crane
Our teams of mechanics, electronics technicians and engineers, as well as transport specialists possess extensive know-how and application knowledge from numerous projects.
Our qualified service engineers and fitters assume and coordinate all the necessary steps in industrial assembly, from dismantling through to internal relocations and up to, and including, precision assembly work in accordance with the tried-and-tested Hess assembly key. And especially in combination with our extensive assembly equipment and transport equipment, we always provide benefits [...]
The new year has started for us like the last one ended: with many great projects!
In January, we managed plant assemblies in Spain, France, Benelux and Eastern Europe in addition to our domestic projects. Moreover, and also in addition to the permanent construction sites which are already underway, our various divisions are in the starting blocks for some really nice projects in February. This was a successful start to [...]